The City Council of Calasparra and the Association of Naturalists of the Southeast, with the support of the General Directorate of the Natural Environment, have recently signed a Territory Custody agreement that affects almost 300 hectares.
The agreement will allow maintaining and expanding actions of conservation and recovery of biodiversity initiated within the framework of LIFE + Ripisilvanatura.
The Mayor of Calasparra, José Vélez, and the Director of ANSE, Pedro García, accompanied by the Councilor for the Environment Ricardo García and with the support of the Directorate General for the Natural Environment directed by Consuelo Rosauro, have signed a Custody agreement Territory that affects two municipal estates: the Juan Vacas Island and the left bank of the Almadenes Canyon.
The agreement, which reaches almost 300 hectares, has been established within the framework of the LIFE + Ripisilvanatura, a project financed by the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union. The area covered by the agreement is located on the banks of the Segura River and has notable environmental values .
In the case of the Almadenes Canyon, it is a Special Conservation Area (Sierras and Vega Alta del Segura and Ríos Alhárabe and Moratalla (ES6200004)) and a Special Protection Area for Birds (Sierra del Molino, Quípar Reservoir and Llanos del Cagitán) forming part of the Natura 2000 Network.
Among the main values ​​of the area are riverbank forests and other plant formations associated with the river, all considered as habitats of community interest.
Regarding the fauna, the presence of rock-dwelling birds (Peregrine falcon, Bonelli's eagle, Red-billed chough), lepid tortoise, otter, various species of chiroptera and the brown pinged dragonfly (Onychogomphus costae).
For its part, the Juan Vacas Island is a small farm adjoining the Segura River, where work has been done to recover the riverside forest and the bat populations.
The objective of the Custody agreement is to maintain, through social participation, actions for the conservation and recovery of biodiversity beyond the completion of the LIFE + Ripisilvanatura project, which has been working on the recovery of the riparian forest and on the control of Exotic Invasive Species in that stretch of the Segura River.
In this sense, ANSE and the City Council of Calasparra have been collaborating in the conservation of biodiversity in the context of LIFE + Ripisilvanatura, highlighting the conservation actions of bats (bats) carried out with the support of the rice sector.
The LIFE + Ripisilvanatura project is coordinated by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura and the General Directorate of the Environment of the Community of Murcia, the University of Murcia, the municipalities of Calasparra and Cieza and the Association of Naturalists of the Southeast participate as collaborating partners (ANSE ).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra