The delivery will take place this Tuesday, June 11 at 5:30 p.m., at the Teatro Circo de Murcia
The Alegría Group of the IES Emilio Pérez Piñero of Calasparra has won in the School Category for the work "Swing Kids".
For its part, Heliotrope of the Municipal School of Theater of Cartagena has won in the non-school category for "The Witches of Salem"
In total there have been 28 groups presented in the community in this edition, which has broken its record of participation, as has returned to beat nationally with 395 registered groups and about 7,900 young participants
The Buero Young Theater Awards of the Coca-Cola Foundation already have winners in Murcia.
The Alegría Group of the IES Emilio Pérez Piñero of Calasparra has won in the School Category for the work "Swing Kids".
On the other hand, Heliotrope of the Municipal School of Theater of Cartagena has won the Non-School Category for "Las brujas de Salem".
These are not the only acknowledgments of the edition: the jury has awarded six special mentions that recognize the work for its interpretations, the pedagogical use of the performing arts and its cultural richness.
After breaking record of participation for the second consecutive year with 395 registered groups and about 7,900 young participants throughout Spain, the Buero Youth Theater Awards in Murcia are delivered this June 11 at the Teatro Circo de Murcia.
A gala whose purpose is to recognize the work of the young members of the winning groups and their directors, turning the act into a meeting point of young theatrical talent in the region.
In this edition, 28 Murcian groups participated, 22 of them from school groups and 6 non-school groups.
Some figures with which record participation has been broken.
The regional jury consists of Javier González, Sara Sáez, Sonia Murcia, Juan Pablo Soler and Ángel Salcedo.
They have been responsible for choosing the winners of the region who will go to the final stage and who will be evaluated by a national jury.
Among its members are Carmen Ruiz, Anabel Alonso, Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, and Luis María Anson, and this year the actors well known to the young audience: Miryam Gallego and Fran Perea.
The national winners will be known as of June 12.
They will enjoy the Theater Week and will represent their work in one of the venues of the National Drama Center in Madrid.
Theater as an instrument to enhance young talent
The benefits of theater in the formation of young people are well known, such as the practice of empathy, commitment, group work and perseverance.
In the preparation of a play each young person invests about 120 hours between group work, memorization, preparation of sets, costumes and rehearsals.
In line with its commitment to young people, the Coca-Cola Foundation has been committed for sixteen years to promote these benefits and connect kids from all over the country, to raise new challenges that help them grow professionally and personally and to cope with new situations.
Speaking of the Premios Buero de Teatro Joven means talking about effort, passion for art and personal and professional growth.
As part of the initiative, at the beginning of the year the Winter Campuses were held in 18 cities throughout Spain in which the young people attending received training in performing arts.
In addition, participants between 18 and 21 years old can opt for the Buero Scholarship, which will allow one of them to study an academic course at a Superior Spanish School of Dramatic Art.
A contest that has the participation of all
The Coca-Cola Foundation joins forces with local and cultural institutions in order to value the theatrical work of thousands of boys and girls throughout Spain.
Especially during the autonomic phase of the competition you find in the Official Schools of Dramatic Art a special ally, since in many of the winter campuses will be their own teachers who teach the workshops.
And in its National Phase, the "Buero" Awards of the Coca-Cola Foundation have the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, through the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music -INAEM- and its artistic centers, especially the National Dramatic Center.
Institutions with which it shares the objective of promoting and disseminating theater as a pedagogical and leisure tool.
Source: Agencias