The Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS) starts today the works for the start-up of the Strategic Drill Sounding Bank of the Calasparra Syncline and of the Vegas Media and Baja del Segura with the objective of mobilizing resources destined to agriculture .
There are 45 wells, distributed among the 9 corresponding to the Sinclinal de Calasparra, 25 corresponding to the Vega Media located in Murcia, and 11 referred to the Vega Baja and located in the municipalities of Almoradí, Beniel, and Orihuela among others.
The public company Tragsa will be responsible for the tasks of conditioning the facilities, with a budget of 794,778 euros.
Alert Status
The start-up of the surveys coincides precisely with the entry of the Demarcation of the Segura in a state of alert, according to the Scarcity Index that indicates the situation of the Basin and Tajo-Segura subsystem, as well as the global one, which is the one that has gone from the Prearterta situation in which it was to Alert.
Scarcity Indices of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation on July 1, 2019
(Calculated according to the methodology described in the "Special Drought Plan" approved on 11/28/2018, BOE 12/26/18)
The value of the shortage index in the UTE I Principal (Basin Subsystem) for July 1, 2019 is 0.271, Alert situation.
The value of the shortage index in the Main UTE I (Transfer Subsystem) for July 1, 2019 is 0.302, Prealerta situation.
The value of the shortage index of UTE I and Global for July 1, 2019 is 0.286, Alert situation.
Source: CHS