The first of the great bullfighting bullfights of Calasparra has been fast and very crowded.
Hundreds of people have filled the route on Tuesday since early morning, wanting to enjoy the first race with the impressive bull-steers of the Port of San Lorenzo.
2'06 minutes have taken the horned to travel the distance that separates the pens, from the bullring, leaving a slight wounded by bruising.
A young corridor has been attended by the health services directed by Dr. Ricardo Robles, by the onslaught of one of the Morlacos, when passing the curve of the Four Corners, without injury and without major consequences, the Local Police reported.
Prior to the closure, the delegation headed by the mayor of Calasparra, José Vélez, has made the inaugural tour to the immediate vicinity of the corrals, accompanying an image of the patron saint of Calasparra, the Virgin of Hope, to wish luck in the race.
The fair continues today with the exhibition of cuts in the Plaza de toros de la Caverina.
This first afternoon of the cycle fair of the XXX Bullfighting Rice Fair.
Tonight, XXII International Folklore Festival Villa de Calasparra.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra