The Jury of the 5th International Bullfighting Photography Contest, convened by the Bullfighting Club of Calasparra, after verifying the adequacy of all the works submitted to the provisions of the Convocation Bases, the Jury decided to award the following prizes in each of the following categories in each modality:
Prize: Cover of the magazine "La Fiesta" in its XIII Edition (2020): "Entry", author: Diego A. Aznar Galipienso.
The Jury values ​​the reflection of the beginning of the Festival by condensing in an instant the popular participation and the bull as the protagonist, together with the plasticity of the motley composition and the correct lighting.
Prize: "Photo Fair 2019", endowed with 100 euros and a diploma.
Photograph: "Sharpening the triumph", author: Leticia Rico Aznar.
The Jury values ​​the reflection of the essential work of a shadow swordsman along with a studied composition that captures the precise moment in which the motifs are visually balanced, providing human, bullfighting and aesthetic interest.
The following finalist photographs were chosen, which will be exhibited, together with the winners of both prizes, within the cultural activities of the Calasparra Bullfighting Club on the occasion of the XXXI Rice Bullfighting Fair 2020:
Photography: Straight, author: Juan Ángel García Moreno
Photography: Testing, author: Juan Ángel García Moreno
Photography: Ballet, author: Juan José Martínez Velasco
Photography: El Miura jumpín, author: José Bermejo
Photography: May the Virgin help me, author: Pedro Navarro Laforet
Photography: Luck for everyone, author: Pedro Navarro Laforet
Photography: Amplitude of sights, author: Juan Merino Moreno
Photography: Jump to the ring, author: Fernando López García
Photography: Portrait of mayoral, author: Manuel Corbalán de Paco
Photography: His turn, author: José Manuel García Torrente
The prizes will be awarded during the Gala Food that the Bullfighting Club will celebrate on Saturday, October 26, 2019, at the Restaurant of the Virgen de la Esperanza Sanctuary.
Source: Club Taurino de Calasparra