This weekend the Concession of the XV San Abdón and San Senén Agricultural Award and the Holy Mass of Thanksgiving for the Harvests took place.
The first of the awards was given to Mr. Antonio López Sáez "El Porche", for his dedication to the cultivation of rice throughout his working life, the care and cleaning of the land and obtaining good crops.
And the second winner of the night went to Juan Carmona López, who received him with surprise, for his work and service to the Brotherhood.
The act took place in the Church of the Holy Martyrs in which the mayor congregated together with part of the Government Team;
representatives and members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Martyrs San Abdón and San Senén;
members of the superior council of brotherhoods;
relatives and friends of the winners;
and local residents who did not want to miss the event, wrapped up the winners on Saturday night.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra