The gastronomic jury formed by Mr. Francisco Hernández (La Opinion), Mr. Joaquin Reyes (Gastronomic Magazine), Mr. Antonio Salinas (Pomarus), Mr. Patxi Larrosa (La Verdad), has ruled for this XII Edition of the Route of The cover, dessert and cocktail the following prizes:
Winning cover of this edition: "Canelón Cascorro" by Restaurante Cabezo Negro
Winning dessert of this edition: «Gold» de Pastelería Savoring
Winning cocktail of this edition: «Asiatic Vassper» by Cafetería Pinver
On the other hand, the popular jury with more than 100 participations has ruled that for this XII Edition of the Ruta de la tapa, the dessert and the cocktail the following prizes:
Winning cap of this edition: «Castañazo 2.0» by Bar Titanium
Winning dessert of this edition: «The White Symphony» of Gran Vía Pastry
Winning cocktail of this edition: «Asiatic Vassper» by Cafetería Pinver
The winners of the € 20.00 vouchers were:
Ricardo Garcia Garcia
Miriam López Ruiz
Antonio Lopez Parraga
Jessica Arroyo
José Antonio Garre Losa
The winners of the € 50.00 vouchers were:
Toñi Martínez
Paula Campos Moreno
€ 300 cash prize:
Antonio José Merino who has donated them in the same act to the Dogs Rescue Association of Calasparra.
Prizes can be picked up at the tourist office starting today.
The spokesman of the hoteliers on this occasion has highlighted the success in terms of participation and has advanced that they are working on the next route, he also recalled that the prizes can be exchanged both in shops and in local bars.
From the City Council of Calasparra we congratulate all the shops that have participated and all the people who have filled the bars and shops of our town during the month of November.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra