The secretary, José Antonio Martínez Sánchez, read the minutes of the previous assemblies, which were approved.
Laura Albarracín Salinas, treasurer, gave the information on the 2019 accounts. The president, Teresa Salinas García, reported on the activities carried out in 2019 and the new projects that will be addressed in 2020. Complete the directive, Mª Carmen Fajardo Meroño, Ana Mª Fernández Valero, José Ruiz Bueno and Paqui Escavy Moreno.
The Assembly was attended, as one more member, by the current mayor of Calasparra, Teresa García Sánchez.
Our president took the opportunity to congratulate her on behalf of the Twinning Committee and offer a close collaboration between our association and the City Council for the greatest possible success of the common European project that inspires and unites us, continuing the work done so far.
In 2020, the 20th anniversary of our twinning with the French village of Riorges will take place.
The official ceremony will be on June 6, at 12 in the morning, in the Municipal Auditorium of Calasparra.
On this occasion we will host a large delegation of our brothers from Riorges, together with a delegation from the municipality of Donzdorf and members of Europabaum, our sister association in Donzdorf.
This year, for the first time, we will visit a representation of Elland, an English town twinned with Riorges for forty years.
June, in Calasparra, will be the right place to feel the European spirit.
Another appointment is the next European youth exchange, which will take place in July in Riorges (France).
Again, young people from the three twinned villages (Calasparra, Riorges and Donzdorf) will work together on a European project, subsidized by the Erasmus + program, on this occasion entitled "Consumption-action by the climate".
They will enjoy days full of training activities, leisure and, above all, coexistence and emotion.
Throughout 2020 the activities of the Twinning Committee of Calasparra will not cease, both in the area of ​​our town and in the appointments of our sister villages of Riorges and Donzdorf.
We are always open to new possibilities.
Among them, we are especially excited about the line of collaboration and new projects that have begun to be discussed with the Europe Direct office in Murcia.
Source: Comité de Hermanamiento de Calasparra