Since Monday, the entire Spanish territory has been declared on alert by COVID-19.
The suspension of face-to-face classes has accelerated the implementation of new technical resources and the use of new technologies applied to education.
We can find a clear example in the José Moreno Municipal School of Music, "El Morenico", which in the face of this exceptional circumstance has taken the necessary measures so that its students do not lose rhythm in their routine musical learning.
In the extraordinary cloister, held before the current state of alert was decreed, it was determined to use the internet as the backbone of the educational plan, as a useful and essential tool for both students and teachers.
Thus, the coordinator informed, on the one hand, all the fathers and mothers, and set the guidelines so that these decisions adopted by the faculty came to the knowledge of the students and interested persons.
This determination has found a prompt practical application since at present, and before the suspension of the face-to-face classes, all the students are receiving classes.
At their corresponding time, the students turn on their computers and connect with their teacher to receive lessons based on both theoretical and practical aspects, in some cases through written exercises, in others as audio or via videoconferences.
This measure is arousing great interest and great enthusiasm, from both parents and students, since, in addition to continuing to learn music, they can share it with the family.
For its part, the City Council of Calasparra and the coordinator of the Music School thanks the collaboration of the families and congratulates all those students who continue to show interest in this Art through their daily effort.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra