| The City Council of Calasparra resumes its face-to-face activity from this morning | It is mandatory to go with a mask and keeping the social safety distance."The administration, as an essential service for the citizenry, has been at all times in the front line of attention to the needs and demands of the people of Calasparre and Calasparre," said the Councilor for Staff, Antonio Merino.Hours: 08:00 to 15:00We remind you that the vast majority of procedures can be carried out through our electronic office www.calasparra.sedelectronica.es and that we have a citizen service in the emailatencionalciudadano@calasparra.org, and by phone 968 720 044.In addition, it is recalled that it must be taken into account that legal persons, entities without legal personality, collegiate professionals, public employees, representatives of legal entities, are obliged to relate through electronic means to carry out any administrative procedure.
obliged subjects and those determined by regulation (article 14.2 of Law 39/2015 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra