The Mayor of Calasparra, Teresa García, accompanied by the President of the Virgen de Ntra.
Señora de la Esperanza Sanctuary Foundation, Fulgencia Sánchez; the president of the Asoc.
El Quite de Calasparra, Juan Carlos Marín; the president of the Bullfighting Club of Calasparra, Francisco García; Francisco Sánchez representing the Bullfighting Association of Practical Amateurs of Calasparra and various representatives of the Bullfighting Working Group, announced this morning that the Calasparra Rice Fair is suspended.The City Council of Calasparra, together with the bullfighting associations of the municipality, have decided to suspend the Bullfighting Fair of Calasparra Rice, given the situation that we are experiencing by COVID-19.
From the consistory they have announced that "From now on we get to work to carry out the Fair and Festivities 2021 and the Bullfighting Fair of Calasparra Rice, where we will have the herds that were announced, in February of this year, for the fair that today suspend.Avoiding possible sources of contagion in agglomerations that may put the health of citizens at risk and prevent possible outbreaks in the locality, is the main reason for the cancellation of the festivities.
The first Edil reiterated her call to individual responsibility, in our day to day, and especially in times of celebration and festive settings.
"Right now we have 0 infections in our locality and it is everyone's task that this continues to be the case." She also showed the intention and commitment on the part of the Consistory that, on those days, adapted activities can be scheduled that comply with all security guarantees, "We are very clear that the activity and the economy have to continue advancing."The president of the Fundación Santuario Ntra.
De la Esperanza has announced that "from the Sanctuary the first activity that has been suspended has been the proclamation, since with the suspension of the fair and parties it loses meaning.
The scheduled masses are they will continue, as planned, maintaining the gauging, security distancing and access control measures.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra