The Local Police of Calasparra arrested a 20-year-old young man with several police records last Saturday night as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of robbery at a home in the town.The events occurred last night when a phone call alerted the agents of a robbery at a home, the caller said that he had just arrived at his home and the rear window had been found forced and several objects had been taken from the interior .Before the aforementioned notice, the agents immediately appeared at the scene, verifying the veracity of the facts, carrying out various inquiries and, thanks to citizen collaboration, they were able to obtain the description of the alleged perpetrator.
Which was detained by the agents hours later in the town, proceeding to the recovery of the stolen objects.At this time, more arrests are not ruled out, since according to the Local Police Chief, "the relationship of this arrest with the events that occurred days ago in the town where there was a robbery at the veterans' sports venue is being investigated.
del Calasparra and several robberies in country houses ".The alleged perpetrator was brought to justice, and the stolen objects have already been recovered by their owner.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra