| The Calasparra City Council has joined the 'For love, what would you do?' Campaign, aimed at adolescents and young people in times of Covid-19 | María Dolores Valverde Villena, councilor for health, has reported that the objective of this campaign is to get adolescents to respect the health safety measures proposed to avoid the spread of Covid-19 infection, in order to prevent related contagion with mass gatherings of young people in contexts of leisure, fun and parties, due to the disinhibition of behavior due to the consumption of alcohol and other drugs, which can mean the abandonment of preventive measures such as the use of a mask and social distance.The Ministry of Health has expanded its campaign 'Do not throw it overboard', with a video on social networks that invites young people to continue to respect security measures to reduce infections.
The campaign asks young people to reduce the number of people in their leisure events and bet on the 'three m': wear a mask, hand hygiene and maintain a distance of one and a half meters.Added to the awareness-raising action of the Ministry of Health is the 'For love, what would you do?' It has been promoted by the Ministry of Health through the Health Promotion and Education Service of the General Directorate of Public Health and Addictions.
For the dissemination of the same, the graphic supports and media available at the municipal level will be used.
It presents the situations in which you want to achieve positive results, without punitive or blaming proposals and evoking from empathy and affection, dispensing with habitual actions with which adolescents and young people have fun, without provoking the rebellion typical of the age before the prohibitions.There are three main messages of the campaign: "The end of the confinement and the course have led to an explosion of reunions not only among families, but also among young people who become major sources of risk of contagion"; "One of the leisure and fun alternatives in which a large number of young people participate is the bottle, a place where behaviors can occur in which social distancing is not maintained, in addition to not wearing masks, and therefore, to be a great source of contagion of infection "and" if there is something important for adolescents, it is friends.
Friends are essential, they are a source of understanding and support, they are emotional support, they are a source of communication, fun and different experiences " .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra