This morning the Personal Assistant Workshop began in Calasparra, encompassed within the program of services to encourage the employability of rural women.This program seeks to promote the incorporation and maintenance of women in the workplace through the improvement of their professional training.
Through training courses to be a personal assistant and the necessary advice to register as a service provider within the Autonomy and Dependency Care System.This course qualifies to respond to the care needs required by dependent people who wish to continue living at home, with guaranteed services and quality.
Taught by the Intergenerational Solidarity Association, this workshop will be held, in a semi-presential nature, it will take place every Monday this month at the Casa de la Juventud in Calasparra.The course has been widely accepted and there is a waiting list of students interested in taking it, who due to the capacity limitations in the classroom have not been able to access in this first course delivery.
For this reason, the Calasparra City Council and the Intergenerational Solidarity Association are studying the possibility of taking this course a second time before the end of the year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra