The Theater Group directed by Antonia Martínez Llorente and Dori Gómez López, in a complete Auditorium complying with all the security measures against COVID-19, represented this weekend the play GALILEO GALILEI by Bertolt Brecht. In this work Brecht recreates the life of the great scientist Galileo.
He tells us about the rigorous research process followed to show that the Earth revolves around the Sun; as well as the confrontations with the Inquisition and the managers of the university where he worked.
Galileo reflects on the ultimate goal of science and poses several dilemmas.
In short, GALILEO GALILEI shows us the many faces of a researcher, a man of science, a human being with his contradictions; but above all a person who believes in the power of human reason. Congratulations, to all the cast, direction, technicians and people involved in making this representation, who made it possible for us to enjoy the theater in Calasparra this weekend. function { ;(, , {});}
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra