The CEO of Productions and Agricultural Markets, Fulgencio Pérez, held this afternoon a meeting with farmers in the community of irrigators Tajo-Segura in the region of Calasparra to inform them of the efforts being carried out by the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment environment for insurance coverage fruit suit the needs of the productive sector that has been affected by the heavy frost last February 17.
The CEO said that the regional government "has always been and will stand by farmers", and in this regard, he recalled that there requested an urgent meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, on behalf of all organizations agricultural.
There is also requested a meeting with President of Agroseguro, through the national representatives of organizations and agricultural cooperatives.
These actions, join the work being done by the Directorate General of Agrifood Market Productions and with the Ministry, Enesa and Agroseguro, to achieve agricultural insurance that suits the needs of farmers in the region ..
In the picture, the director of Productions and Agricultural Markets, Fulgencio Pérez (left), along with the heads of the Community of Irrigators of Calasparra.
Source: CARM