The votes of the government team formed by the council of the PSOE and IU-Win Calasparra prevent a Commission of Inquiry on the Plan for Modernization of Irrigation of the waters covered by the reservoir Argos, voted in extraordinary plenary session held yesterday June 16, and requested by the council of Citizens and Calasparra Viva.
During the plenary, the public got up with his back to the spokesmen of the left and the mayor himself, while speaking, as a sign of rejection not want to investigate a matter that remains divided the calasparreños irrigators, popular response was prevented from recording to the media present.
Councilors have failed to access the modernization project and various documents held at City Hall because they have not been found, although the works are built on municipal land.
Alonso Torrente.
Live Spokesperson Councillor Calasparra
Source: Calasparra Viva