The spokesman for the regional PP, Javier Iniesta, explained that "the Ministry of Education has appointed a new director of IES Emilio Pérez Piñero Calasparra, following the procedures required by law and because there was an open and public process of filing nominations and was deserted. "
"No one in the center itself or other of the region was presented," he pointed out.
As stated by the 'popular' spokesman in response to Secretary of Education can in the region of Murcia, Miguel Quesada, who has denounced the appointment of such director by the Ministry of Education.
Iniesta lamented that "in training we are unaware the powers required by law and is not presented as no candidate from Education it was decided to appoint the director of the center."
And he reiterated that "it would have been desirable that someone from the teaching staff of the center itself had chosen to charge, not being so, should be appointed management team, as we proceeded."
Source: PP Región de Murcia