This year will take place from 8 to 11 December to visit the herds of Victorino Martin and Navalrosal Extremadura.
The tour price is 190 euros per person, including bus transportation, accommodation at the excellent Hotel Montesol Coria (double room with breakfast) and meals at both farms.
We will alternate visits to farms with free time, both Cáceres and Coria.
The output will be Thursday, December 8, at 7 pm from the Plaza de Toros de Calasparra, and the return is scheduled for Sunday, December 11, arriving in Calasparra afternoon.
Reservations can be made from 7 to 25 November, with the entry of the tour price in Globalcaja the following account: 3190 0084 89 0129462123. Places will be allocated in order of registration.
Those that are not enjoyed by partners and companions (one companion per partner) may be occupied by persons who are not members of the Club Taurino also by recovery order, to complete the bus.
Source: Club Taurino de Calasparra