● The training proves that the municipality does not appear in the list of those who will see updated their cadastral values in 2017, contrary to what was affirmed by the socialist Jos Vlez in the Plenary
● Citizens present a motion urging the Government team to officially request the review "and not drinking coffee and verbally, which is as it appears to have been done"
The municipal group of Citizens in Calasparra has denounced that the municipality is not included in the list of those who are going to see revised their cadastral values during the next year, a measure that would suppose a considerable saving in the receipts of the Property Tax - the Known as 'contribution' - for neighbors.
Citizens asked the Government team for an explanation of this fact, receiving on November 10 a letter from Mayor's Office that ensures that the request regarding the cadastral review "was made in person at a meeting held by the Mayor in the Cadastre Management , Being present Enrique Morella During, by part of the Tax Agency of the Region of Murcia, Cadastral Management of the IBI.
So there is no written record of this. "
This communication reveals the falsity of the mayor's own declarations before the plenary assuring that he had requested the cadastral revision.
Vlez went so far as to say that "if you can prove that I have not made this request, I resign."
"If for the mayor the form to formally request something so important for its neighbors is drinking coffee and of verbal form, it should consider changing the way of working and even resigning," says the local orange spokesman, Jesus Alajarn.
"This shows that the mayor lied, and in logic should resign as he promised to do," added Alajarn.
To try to solve the confusion to which the councilor has put the municipality and its neighbors, Citizens registered last 8 a joint motion with the other two municipal groups of the opposition -Calasparra Viva and Partido Popular- in which it urges the team of Government to request the revision of the cadastral values in order to update the IBI receipts to the current value of their homes: "What we ask is that things be done well, so that the neighbors can enjoy a reduction In its taxes, something that in other municipalities of the region, like Moratalla, has been achieved in up to 23% thanks to the revision of the cadastral values ", added Alajarn.
"The laziness or calculated falsehood on the part of the mayor regarding this necessary revision has forced us to present this initiative, before which the vote against both PSOE and IU would be very difficult to explain, unless they do not want to decrease the income Municipalities at the expense of Calasparreos' pocket, "said the Orange spokesman.
Source: Ciudadanos Regin de Murcia