López Miras values ​​the projects that the PP takes to Calasparra as "very important and positive" and has asked "that will offer tomorrow in his visit to this municipality the socialist Pedro Sánchez and if it will be backed by the leader of the PSRM, González Tovar"
The spokeswoman for Agriculture in Congress, Ascensión Carreño, has asked the Congress of Deputies, through a proposal not of law, declare the caves and the environment that forms the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Hope Calasparra "Natural Patrimony of Humanity ".
Carreño has stated that the geographical situation of the Region of Murcia "has led to the development of areas of interest from a geological point of view", so he considers that "this initiative is very important for the municipality of Calasparra and the Region of Murcia ".
For this reason, the deputy 'popular' has decided to recognize the value as a monument of nature and maintain this space in the best conditions of conservation and sustainable use, thereby avoiding any action that devalues ​​this natural heritage.
Deputy Secretary of the Organization of the PPRM and regional deputy, Fernando López Miras, said that "this is an ambitious project that will place Calasparra in an important position as a Natural Heritage of Humanity."
"When the regional PP comes to Calasparra brings ideas, projects and positive initiatives for the municipality."
However, added Lopez Miras, when the PSRM moves to Calasparra is to see what it brings. "The 'popular' deputy secretary has made these statements in reference to the visit tomorrow to the municipality socialist Pedro Sánchez, Who has said "is already a defenstrado leader of the PSOE to which only a few want, among them González Tovar, secretary general of the Murcia socialists"
López Miras has indicated from Pedro Sánchez that "he will come with the NO is NOT with a pact and an agreement with Podemos and it is about to see what future projects he brings to Calasparra."
"We are waiting to know also if the socialist leader, González Tovar comes to support him since he is one of its top defenders," he said.
The Deputy Secretary of the Organization of the PPRM has stated that the Sanctuary of Hope and its surroundings "is a common good that must be preserved for future generations to enjoy and admire their natural values."
Likewise, the spokesperson of the Local Popular Party, María Marín, has stated that El Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza in the town of Calasparra "occupies a unique place for its orography, and for a venerated Marian presence with the title and invocation of Hope, manifested under the presentation of a double image of the Virgin, La Pequeñica and La Grande. "
The PP spokeswoman Calasparra recalled that "the Sanctuary is one of the three most visited in Spain and has the peculiarity of being located in a grotto dug in the rock, in the natural environment of extraordinary beauty next to the river Segura. Perfect symbiosis between spirituality, nature, tourism and leisure. "
"In addition, the caves that make up this rocky shelter have been from time immemorial shelter, especially shepherds in the face of inclement weather" and recalled that inside they harbor two water births.
Carreño has cited the Cueva del Puerto, as the largest horizontal course in the whole region, "enabled for caving activities and for sightseeing, with a 700-meter course illuminated and acclimatized musically."
"All these natural characteristics lead us to recognize its value as a monument of nature and to keep this space in the best conditions," he said.
During the visit to the municipality of Calasparra, deputies, senators and local authorities have put in value the agricultural, environmental and natural potential.
They have recognized the main engine of the economy of the municipality of Calasparra which is agriculture, and it emphasizes the cultivation of rice, considered the best in the world by many experts.
Carreño said that from Madrid work to "consolidate the growth of agricultural income, improve the competitiveness and quality of our products, as an element of differentiation to compete in foreign markets and to position our products in high added value segments."
Carreño has explicitly mentioned direct aid that "they must continue to play a very important role in the maintenance and stability of farmers' incomes and we will support them so that they continue to be fully financed by the Community budget", he concluded.
Source: PP Región de Murcia