Francisco Jódar, Minister of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries announced today that the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment will publish in the next few days in the Official State Gazette (BOE) the Environmental Impact Statement of the files of private wells that will allow to extract from the Sinclinal of Calasparra a total of 13.9 cubic hectometres of water.
"This is very good news for irrigators and farmers who are in a difficult situation in the third year of drought that we have already reached," said the councilor.
"This environmental impact statement gives the green light to the opening of private wells that throughout the current hydrological year will supply farmers and irrigators to help them get ahead in these moments in which campaign planning has already begun," explained the counselor, while pointing out that "the Region of Murcia is seeing how the Government of Spain, through the Ministry and the CHS, does not cease in its work to make water available to irrigators and farmers where it is already the third consecutive year of drought. "
Since the beginning of the drought in the Segura Basin, declared by the Royal Decree since 2015, the Government of Spain, through the Ministry and the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, has taken numerous measures to minimize its damages by increasing availability of water for water supply and irrigation.
In this sense, Jódar said that the collaboration and the tools made available to irrigators and farmers "have allowed to increase the production of desalinated water, provide aid to reduce its price, carry out emergency works to improve supply, open wells drought and tap the resources of strategic drilling batteries, in addition to approving the exchange of water rights. "
"A series of very important measures that are contributing to the agri-food sector continue to move forward, despite the complicated situation that is going on, not only in the Region of Murcia, but in the rest of the country."
The counselor called for responsibility for water consumption not only to irrigators but to society in general.
"Now is the time when we have to demonstrate, with more force if possible, that the Region of Murcia is a pioneer in water management and saving, as we are in the third year of drought and the reserves are depleted."
Source: CARM