The figure was made public last Friday during the event organized by the collective "Calasparra moves", where the entity delivered to the Translational Cancer Research Group of the Hospital Morales Meseguer the benefits of the Pink March 2017 and the solidarity calendar 2018 The act, held at the Casa de la Cultura, was attended by doctors Francisco Ayala de la Peña and Pilar de la Morena Barrio, as well as the mayor of Calasparra, José Vélez Fernández, who presented two awards for the work they have been doing. the Calasparreño collective as the Murcian research team.
In addition, the mayor announced that the Consistory will allocate the amount of all penalties collected in the blue zone of the municipality during the year 2018 to the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the Translational Cancer Research Group of the Hospital Morales Meseguer.
Velez said he was very proud as mayor of the solidarity shown by the calasparreños.
For its part, Juana Moya of "Calasparra moves" said she was very satisfied to have exceeded by far the number of previous calls for solidarity and that the entity was very grateful for the support received.
Excited, Juana Moya declared, "I can only say thank you."
"We are impressed.
Calasparra is an exceptional case of solidarity.
This important amount of money will make possible a complete research project, "said the oncologist Ayala de la Peña, who explained that the previous donation has been referred in the medical journal" Breast Cancer.
Research an Treatment ".
During the award ceremony, a thank-you video was shown in which the work done during the elaboration of the solidary calendar 2018 and a summary of the Pink March 2017, with photos of Pepe Bermejo, could be seen.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra