Councilor Antonio José Merino attended this week's meeting convened by the Government delegate in Murcia, Francisco Bernabé, and to which the mayors and security officers of the 45 municipalities of Murcia have come to translate the recommendations of the Ministry of the Interior on of self-protection in case of terrorist attack, in order to provide the population with a safe environment.
The Government delegate, Francisco Bernabé, announced at the meeting maintained new training measures for local police of all municipalities in the Region of Murcia by National Police and Civil Guard agents as part of the initiatives promoted by the Government of Spain in anti-terrorist matters and designed to prevent both the commission of attacks and the appropriate reaction should one have occurred.
The delegate of the Government has reminded the mayors and representatives of the municipalities of the Region that Spain maintains its level of alert against terrorism in level 4 and has highlighted the high degree of specialization of our State Security Forces in their fight against terrorism. jihadist terrorism.
In addition to the mayors and municipal representatives, the meeting was also attended by the Minister of the Presidency and Development, Pedro Rivera, the President of the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia, and Mayor of Lorquí, Joaquín Hernández, the Chief of Police , Cyril Durán, and Colonel of the 5th Civil Guard Zone, Jesus Arribas, who have been responsible for transferring to the municipal representatives some basic guidelines for action in these cases.
All the measures adopted in this regard are framed in the Plan of Prevention and Protection against Terrorism, which establishes the general guidelines that, starting from a permanent effort in the preventive field, allow to ensure the detection, monitoring, analysis and continuous evaluation of the risk of attack terrorist, as well as the implementation and coordination of preventive devices if necessary, understood as the set of actions carried out prior to the materialization of a terrorist attack in order to prevent it from occurring.
Source: Delegación del Gobierno y AC