The press conference focused on three issues that Davinia Saorin then summarized.
The first issue was a question that the PP presented at the last plenary session and that was none other than "as it had after the start of the school and that the City Council was judged as catastrophic as it missed 4 or 5 teachers but in Anyway what the PP should do is to ask the Minister of Education. "
Well, Davinia indicated that this issue "because in the PP are very well led has asked the Ministry of Education" and that is why José Manuel López, a member of the Ministry, accompanied them in the press conference .
The second issue was a motion presented to the Popular Party in Parliament on subsidized housing.
Davinia Saorin noted that "Zapatero's government intends to 2,000 homes not see the light and the consequent destruction of 5,000 jobs" also stated "home ownership impossible for young people."
The motion, said Davinia was not approved in plenary, as it only received 4 votes in favor of the Municipal People compared with 7 votes against Socialist Municipal Group.
He then took the floor José Manuel López, who welcomed the invitation of the PP in Calasparra and noted that the Mayor "loser" releases her frustration over the Popular Party of Calasparra and added that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor manipulate the Calasparra @ s against the Regional Government.
Jose Manuel Lopez said that "the beginning of the school was positive but said there was a problem in telematics awards were corrected in a week."
José Manuel stated that "this program is new and telematics has its flaws but that does not mean it's a widespread failure of the Ministry of Education."
José Manuel Lopez stated that "failure in education in Calasparra was the time it took to make the flag of the Public School" Los Molinos "although the Regional Government has long sent the money for it and its various problems implementation was delayed infinitely. "
Jose Manuel Lopez said that "the Regional Government will not be sectarian and never has been with the City of Calasparra and yes it is the City of Calasparra.
On subsidized housing, José Manuel López, said that "before they could deduct in the income statement and now thanks to the Zapatero government is not possible. Another has raised the VAT has been reduced by 19% of Budgets for subsidized housing. "
Finally, speaking Jesus Martinez, President Local PP, who wanted to clarify some of the issues of the past Parliament.
First, Jesus Martinez spoke of the motion presented by the PSOE on the recovery of areas affected by the fire in the Sierra del Molino.
Martinez reported that "the Popular Party voted in favor of this motion," but said "it would have been preferable to a joint motion with all political parties, environmental groups, sports, schools, ..., which the PSOE has made", because, as Martinez said: "We believe that this motion can not be separated something that unites us is our future, our environment."
JMartínez Jesus also said "on the motion of the PSOE, the actions described in paragraph 3 °, are already included in the work undertaken by the Regional Government and were presented by the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Cerdá, on 13 September. "
Jesus Martinez took to indicate that "this motion should include a request to the Zapatero government not to abolish the decree of emergency aid for large fires and to be repealed for lack of liquidity, and that the motion lacks express congratulations a fire seals, forestry, Minister of Agriculture and the Environment, Minister for Justice and Public Safety, the Municipal Police, Guardia Civil, UME, Fire and of course, volunteers and nearby towns of Calasparra is willing to help from the beginning. "
Likewise, Jesus Martinez continued, "the motion should publicly thank both the Regional President, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, and their directors, Manuel Campos and Antonio Cerda, the Director of Emergency, Luis Gestoso, and the Director of Natural Heritage, Pablo Fernandez they were the night of September 7 until late at night and from early morning fire walking 08 and showing the interest of the Regional Government from the beginning by this unfortunate fire. "
To conclude on this issue of the motion, Jesus Martinez said that "the motion suffers from lack of self-criticism for everyone, this Municipal Government has been unable in 11 years of government of creating emergency actuating devices, and this self everyone should have them. "
Finally, Jesus Martinez said that "in the Popular Party Full question and answer City Council, so as it should be and that the Popular Party will continue no matter who likes it, our responsibility to do so, our minds are calm and What's more important is the satisfaction of fulfilling a duty. "
And does not automatically keep asking and asking for information, but also took a public apology if someone could be affected by statements or publications, despite the manifest manipulation malmeter socialist group and misinform the public.
Finally, from the Popular Party of Calasparra refute the false discharged by the Deputy Mayor of Vélez suggest and assert that the Popular Party accused the City Council does not specify a Crime.
The People's Party calls for the registration information of the City and the Socialist Group should provide the information requested within a specified period, and if not, the Popular Party is obliged to request the information by legal means, which is where we are now and where you're going to insist every time that he was not the information accordingly.
Source: PP Calasparra