From the Popular Party of Calasparra we echo the suggestions and recommendations from the civic association calasparreña have been sent to our municipal government.
More readily accept that these manifestations, there had only been presented to four months in a municipal election, but such initiatives had appeared at one time more, especially over the past four years, and why not say the last twelve years, which are those elected to govern them.
We agree, however, at the bottom of the approaches, since it seems legitimate for the people of Calasparra, as well as the components of this forum, feel to some extent, some of the concerns that we share in the People's Party Calasparra.
So much so, that we consider equally important that it should inform the public of the economic situation of the City, ie, that every citizen should have a clear idea of what the income, expenditure and how much we owe the calasparreños.
Similarly, not least, we know the situation of our municipal assets in relation to our goods and farm, focusing, of course, in their increases and decreases.
We also believe that citizen participation, derived from agents of the political, social, cultural, economic, etc., Is ensuring the success of the local community in developing policies, programs and plans.
As stated in a document of the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia.
We also believe that transparency is necessary information and the participation of all political groups the council in those media that pay between all and only uses the computer's governing Socialist Party.
We cover the period of Calasparra and website.
We too are people and we are also City Council, we have 5 of the 13 council members who form the corporation, and we have the right to use the media.
As for the Imagine project, which appears within this website we have quoted above, calls our attention to this when there are 4 months for the municipal elections, bearing in mind that this team never present government had received contributions and suggestions of citizens to govern Calasparra.
And if transparency, information and communication are speaking, what if the full television?
Also welcome and well-being found the proposals Calasparra Citizen Forum, part of the Civic Forum in the Region of Murcia has led to our municipal government.
Source: PP Calasparra