In the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia number 211, dated September 13, you see the appointment of one of our neighbors as temporary staff, with advisory functions to the Mayor-President of the City of Calasparra in housing and property, in full-time basis, by Resolution of the Mayor-President dated September 1, 2011.
It is true that we had feared, so no surprise, nor any action that would surprise us coming from the Mayor of Calasparra not take into account the agreements of the municipal council.
In the plenary session on June 30, 2011, it was unanimously agreed, as recorded in the minutes, which only recognizes dedicated to Don José Vélez Fernández.
From the Popular Party we have been stating in press, other media, and the motions, as we considered necessary for the operation of the Municipal Corporation, two released and no consultant with pay.
Given that Mr. Navarro charged by the Regional Assembly, due to his position as deputy, it is obvious that we disagree with the exclusive dedication of Mr. Velez, as agreed in full, but not with any other, or councilors and advisers.
We wonder what the Mayor needs a housing counselor and equity if you already have a Town Planning and Works, Dona Maria Teresa Salinas García, and other Heritage, Cristina Prieto Trujillo.
In addition, the City has on the payroll with a staff of licensed and qualified in those areas.
We consider the actions of Mr. Navarro unbecoming of a democratic government, in response to orders and commands more dictatorial and favor criteria than to the popular representation emanating from the heart of the corporation and others that are not elected by the people Calasparra.
Source: PP Calasparra