When we all thought that this summer could be lucky with the forest fires in bad faith for a fool, the reality has been different
The rapid intervention INFOMUR PLAN members were able to control in a very short time both fires, which in the beginning did not look good at all.
The road from "The Turret" was if anything a special danger for its large number of forest and its proximity to homes and neighborhoods.
The second half of the sunny slopes of the Sierra de San Miguel, area in which many citizens of Calasparra play sports, go for a walk, etc ....
For this from the People's Party Calasparra want to acknowledge the effort and dedication of these people, who make up the device from the Autonomous Community of Murcia against forest fires, especially forest brigades Calasparra, Moratalla, Caravaca, Cieza, White and Jumilla, at 3 helicopter brigades 2 with helicopter transport such as Pila and Sewer, all these means belonging to the Unit fire management Murcia (UDIF), a Kamov helicopter third MMA, firefighters consortium Caravaca and Cieza, AAMM, police and civil guard, all of them thank you very much for your work.
We must remember that in the last 3 years in Calasparra've had several fires intentionally, 6 fires in the Sierra del Puerto, 1 Mill, 1 on the way to the turret, 1 in the Sierra de San Miguel, and several the area of ​​Daya and riverside, all supposedly meaning, and our socialist leaders do nothing, look away, though always come in the picture of all fires.
The PP was in its election manifesto the creation of a rural local police, because we have a lot of forest and field area.
We think that the police would be more effective in these services, much more than reviewing the blue areas of the town, as they are today.
As our socialist leaders like to remember things well, then we will also remember that at the time ruled that the PSOE in the Region of Murcia 2 produced the largest fire I've ever had the Community.
The one on the shady side of the Sierra del Molino with 900 acres and the Sierra de Moratalla with 30,000 hectares, data that lead to the conclusion of the disastrous social actions that are related to forest fires in both the regional and municipal level.
Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment.
Calasparra People's Party.
Source: PP Calasparra