The reason for this decision was a violation of the regulations by the full Socialist spokesman, who started the point Q & A began to discuss other issues unrelated to the questions in time and form the Partido Popular.
Popular spokesman noting that his attitude did not fit right, consulted the Town Clerk.
Given the silence of it up twice and the cries of the Socialist spokesman saying that "talk about whatever I want," the People's Party decided to leave the plenary hall.
Given these unfortunate events that blur the political coexistence, the Popular Party wants Calasparra state the following:
First .- We denounce the systematic and continuous breach the Socialist Party of Calasparra performed on the agenda of the plenary sessions at City Hall.
Second.-fail handling of Mayor Navarro, in developing the full agenda, leaving outside the popular motions, arguing in some cases there is no time to discuss such motions, in others, as with the application external audit, which does not proceed by previously been discussed, although no article of any law or any regulation stating that not be done.
In this regard, we say that the motion regarding the request for external audit, Calasparra People's Party wants to announce it has received a Mayor's Order (signed by the Mayor), indicating that not going to debate the motion as "no longer necessary to introduce the agenda as a matter previously voted" and yet in that Order Mayor unspecified legal basis, no law or regulation that supports that decision.
Calasparra People's Party understands that this order violates the law and Mayor freedom Calasparra People's Party to file a motion as many times as you want, especially when Calasparra People's Party continues to believe that is necessary to audit the City, to know the real financial and economic situation in which we find ourselves, and from there begin to discuss economic issues that concern us and we can not decide or approve without a full and thorough knowledge of the situation.
Third .- openly stated that the Popular Party of Calasparra reserves the right to initiate legal action deemed appropriate to this serious violation of freedom of expression of the municipal group in the free exercise of his performance as opposition.
Fourth .- We express our outrage at the use mitinero propaganda used by the Socialist Party in the full Calasparra Hall.
The Socialist Party of Calasparra use the Questions and answers point to discuss issues not previously reported have been written as self-regulation requires the full in Articles 46.1 and 46.2 respectively, making a wheel full press or political rally, which address issues that have nothing to do with the full, with interventions that exceed the exposure time indicated in these articles.
Fifth .- Calasparra People's Party wants to make clear that he will not consent to breach the order of the day to do press conferences, (for that political parties have other means), that will continue to file motions in the free exercise of their opposition action it deems appropriate and will insist that the point of full Questions and answers will serve to answer the pleas or questions that the opposition made to the governing bodies, which are those councilors who hold delegations, and for something else.
Finally indicate Calasparra People's Party, will not consent to any Councillor insult in the exercise of his office.
We firmly believe that respect is above political ideology and any discussion that may arise.
Source: PP Calasparra