Police officers arrested Calasparra Local on Tuesday February 7, a person, Calasparra neighbor, who allegedly was involved in robbery inside the home, said today in a statement sources of the Department of Police and Public Safety Calasparra City Council.
The theft occurred on February 2 in a house located on Cervantes Street in this town.
The author or authors, taking advantage of the house was without inhabitants, accessed from an adjoining patio and after climbing a wall and breaking a door and a window came into it.
Once inside the housing, the author proceeded to steal a shotgun, a plasma TV, a stereo and four fishing rods with their reels.
Initiated research to clarify the responsibility for the events, it was found as the suspects were making arrangements to sell the stolen objects in the black market, so that finally, after the location and recovery of the shotgun and the TV could proceed to the arrest of one of the perpetrators.
The suspect, a Spanish man, 21 years old, has numerous police records.
The investigation remains open and police said more arrests are not ruled out.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra