From the Executive Committee and the Municipal People's Party Calasparra express our total disengagement of the comments on Facebook that are taking place from the popular name CALASPARRA.
Calasparra People's Party is not responsible for the opinions expressed on this profile because it is not our property.
We apologize for any charges made from this profile that are totally alien to the party.
We also ask the person or persons responsible fail to do so on our behalf, because we represent.
The People's Party announced that only has a Facebook profile, which we totally responsible, which is to NNGGCalasparra.
All other opinions, comments, hints, comments or insults that appear under this name of Popular Calasparra not our own.
We would also ask, please, for the sake of understanding, harmony and communication, D.
Jose Velez, formerly of insult, slander or disparage members of the Municipal People's Party, the report of the veracity of the source and origin.
Source: PP Calasparra