It has been reported a dozen violations on waste, water, environmental protection and animal health
The Meritorious has enjoyed the cooperation of the Inspection Service Animal Health CARM
The Guardia Civil of the Region of Murcia, in the framework of the 'MAB' operation, aimed at clarifying the discovery of more than fifty corpses and bones of pigs in a farm of Calasparra, proceeded to sue the responsible Farm for violations of the regulations governing waste, water, environmental protection and animal health.
The investigation was initiated by the cooperation of citizens, when the Service for the Protection of Nature (SEPRONA) of the Meritorious received several notices warning of supposed irregularities on the status of the pig in a farm in Calasparra.
Agents are coordinated with veterinary inspectors District Agricultural Office (OCA) of the Autonomous Community to move to the farm and carry out the necessary checks.
On the farm, officers checked the existence of more than fifty bodies of pigs, and numerous bones of pigs stored improperly.
They also checked the documentation at the holding regarding the removal and management of specified risk material (SRM), as had been done in unsuitable conditions, with consequent health risk.
The farm reported, which was entered in the register of Exploration Livestock (REGA), housed about a thousand heads of pigs intended for consumption.
Finally, the civil guards reported a dozen violations of the Law 2/2011 on Waste, Law 1/2001 of Waters, Law 4/2009, Integrated Environmental Protection and Law 8/2003 of Animal Health, deficiencies in As for the waste management of the farm, perimeter fencing, facilities and slurry ponds deficiency of the required documentation for this activity.
Following the practice of the actions, agents have verified that the remains found have been removed and managed as current legislation.
Source: Ministerio del Interior