The Caralluma Ecologists in Action and environmental organizations, and ARDEVAS Association (Irrigation Association in Defence of the River Argos Vega) have complained to the SEPRONA (Service Nature Protection Civil Guard) and the Directorate General for the Environment in various ways Calasparra are running works for the Plan for Modernization of Irrigation water Regulated by the Reservoir Argos, and would be in breach of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project, published in the BOE n º 174 of July 19, 2010 [1].
Due to the environmental values ​​of the area, the DIA provides a series of corrective measures mandatory to minimize the environmental impact of the project.
Regarding the protection of wildlife in the area where the work is performed, the EIS clearly states the requirement that work progresses according to a calendar that during the months of March to August (inclusive) may not perform work as reported by the organizations listed above, precisely to "jobs that do not coincide with the breeding season of most species."
The area in which the alleged facts are producing is an ecotone that packs a biodiversity for confluence of different habitats, in addition to foraging and nesting area for raptors such as Booted Eagle (Aquila pennatus), hawk (Accipiter nisus) and velvetleaf (Falco subbuteo), forest birds such as turtledove (Streptopelia turtur) oriole (Oriolus oriolus) Real ypito (Picus viridis) of Larks as the Woodlark (Lullula arborea) and Lark (Galerida cristata) of insectivorous birds associated ecological corridors in the network of canals, comopapamoscas gray (Muscicapa striata), wren (Troglodytes troglodytes), nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos), warblers (Sylvia sp), etc ..., some of which are protected by European directives and / or Catalogued special interest in the Spanish state (see Annex) and very sensitive to this kind of nuisance in the breeding period, endangering the reproductive success of this year, with the consequences that entails for certain species.
Environmental organizations have called for the immediate cessation of works, clearly violating one of the main measures imposed by the DIA, and the opening of disciplinary proceedings against the promoters: ACUAMED (State Water Company Mediterranean Basin, SA) and SEIASA (Spanish Society of Agricultural Infrastructure SA).
Finally, organizations have announced their intention to raise the complaint to the courts, because they believe that an environmental crime may have been committed by breaching a corrective measure of the DIA, imposed the condition precisely to avoid the period of nesting and breeding numerous species in the environment.
Source: Ecologistas en Acción