Lady of Hope Special Solemn Procession will leave next Saturday.]
Next May 17, Saturday, will be held a Solemn Procession of Our Lady of Extraordinary Hope in Calasparra2E This celebration is part of the celebrations of the month of May, in that whole Calasparra pours in Our Lady of Hope, Patron of the town.
At 18h.
Mass will be celebrated in the Parish of San Pedro Apostle Calasparra, and then, this Special and Solemn Procession to which are invited the Brotherhoods Calasparra with other Caravaca de la Cruz, Cehegín, Moratalla be developed , Mula, Pliego, and closely linked to the devotion of Our Lady of Hope as Hellin city.
The Year of Hope is the cause of this particular form of celebration that will take on special relevance Calasparra Guilds, which will also make altars with their owners along the route of the procession.
Also participating the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, which this year celebrates its first centenary of the opening of the College who run.
They placed an image of the Blessed Mother Carmen of the Child Jesus, the founder of the order.
For this occasion so special porcesionarán the first time after his accession the relics of the Holy Martyrs Abdon and Senen, sharing the patronage of the town of Calasparra next to Our Lady of Hope.
For this occasion, will accompany the Union Musical Santa Cecilia Hellin Cultural Association.
Source: Santuario de Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza.