The late, suffering Alzheimer's, left his home early Monday
The cooperation of citizens has been crucial to the location of the missing
He was found with symptoms of hypothermia but no apparent serious injuries
The Civil Guard in the region of Murcia, in a search coordinated with local police, Civil Protection and citizen volunteers, has located alive a British citizen in calasparreño place of Hoya Gallego, who was missing since the morning of Monday, 15th.
Early in the evening of Monday, the Meritorious was alerted to the disappearance of a British subject, alzheimer patient and resident in Calasparra, who was missing since this morning.
Immediately the protocol provided for these cases was activated because it was a disappearance of considerable risk, aimed at gathering all possible information about the event to establish the most effective search appliance possible.
Given the weather on Monday night search efforts were initiated by the risk posed to the health of gone to spend the night outdoors, completing the device early in the morning yesterday, Tuesday, with the intervention of Helicopter Air Service of the Civil Guard and the dog expert service dog handler and his dog trained in safety and rescue.
When searching fought from the air and walking areas near the residence of the deceased at the Valle del Sol urbanization areas, expanding the search area to the Segura river and Moratalla, Santuario Virgen de la Esperanza, Socovos road, Sierra del Molino and various spots in the municipality of Calasparra.
Finally, thanks to the cooperation of citizens, information from people who said they had seen the missing in the area known as Hoya Gallego, which was oriented and the search intensified in this place, resulting in its location, to 17 were obtained : 30 pm yesterday, by two police officers who found him lying on the ground, with obvious signs of hypothermia but still alive with no apparent serious injury.
After reporting the location of his wife, who along with several neighbors also participated in the work of searching, found he was transferred to the Health Center of Calasparra and subsequently referred to the Regional Hospital Northwest in Caravaca de la Cruz, where he remains under observation .
The search appliance comprised the Civil Guard patrol public safety, Helicopter Unit and dog expert service, Local Police, Civil Protection and citizen volunteers.
Source: Ministerio del Interior