The Governing Council has authorized the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, through the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS), expand in six the number of residential places for elderly conveniadas with the City of Calasparra, amounting of 70,223 Euros.
To this end, has approved the amendment of the agreement approved by the Governing Council on 21 November, by which was authorized by 2015, hiring 53 seats in the municipal residence Lady of Hope Calasparra, by an amount of 738,385 euros.
Now, this convention specifies that from March 1, 2015 until December 31 of that year, the total number of seats is 59, with a total amount of 808,608 euros.
The goal is to provide comprehensive care for the elderly in situations of dependency, which require some care services and activities of daily living that can not receive in their environment due to social and family reasons.
Source: CARM