The Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment has concluded the contract of works in the sanitation collector and spillway south of Calasparra, amounting to 228,000 euros, financed by 80 percent Cohesion Fund of the European Union.
The works will be carried out in the village, between the end of the street Daya, Mula Road (RM-552) and Cuesta Blanca (RM-B32), and are a new collector of 293 meters in length, consisting of reinforced concrete pipe of 800 mm in diameter and strength class C-180, which will connect with the existing network, at the end of the street Daya, collecting the water flowing through the current collector.
It also foresees the implementation of a spillway in the main collector, which shed the Argos river water diluted during rain, to be located at the height of the street Cuesta Blanca, and will consist of a reinforced concrete pipe 400 mm in diameter and strength class C-135.
The new collector will provide hydraulic capacity and solve the problems that currently produce saturation of the network of sewage and rainwater during episodes of rain.
In addition, it will serve both the industrial area of ​​Avenida Juan Ramon Jimenez (old crossing the road C-3314) and to the south of the town.
With this action the connection of existing sanitation networks is completed locally and will benefit about 1,000 inhabitants and the adjacent industrial estate.
Source: CARM