The Blade Runners Club Calasparra, in collaboration with the Department of Sports Hon.
City of Calasparra and FAMU organized the First Round the Shrine of Our Lady of Hope Calasparra + Hiking Trail, Sunday November 15
The next November will highlight not only by the number of popular will gather evidence, but because many of them are newly minted.
This is the case of R Back to the Shrine of Our Lady of Hope Calasparra + Hiking Trail, to be held on Sunday November 15 from 9: 00h.
. in the case of the hiker test, for a distance of about 13.5km, and at 10: 00h.
in the competitive test with a distance of 14km., both starting and finishing at 1 Avenida de Mayo.
Remains open enrollment period for the event, organized by the Blade Runners Club Calasparra in collaboration with the Department of Sports Hon.
City of Calasparra and Athletics Federation of Murcia, through the platform of entries from FAMU ( until November 5 at 23: 00h.
for payments by bank transfer or deposit and November 12 at 20: 00h.
for card payments (POS).
The cost of these is 12 € -10 € for athletes FAMU-, may register the day of the test if any dorsal available at 15 €.
Bibs can be collected from May 1st Avenue on the day of competition from 8: 30h. It is mandatory to show your ID card or proof of identity for collection.
There will be prizes for the top three finishers in each of the established categories, both men and women, as well as local first three and runner and runner oldest of all participants.
You will also have the highest ranked club trophy -teniéndose into account the times of the top five riders from each club to reach goal and are registered as such, must accredit the federativa- license.
Source: FAMU