The Ministry of Works, Housing and Transportation will invest a total of EUR 1,792,135 conditioning projects MU-552 road, linking the town of Calasparra in Mula, and MU-521, which refers Ojós with Ricote.
Specifically, the purpose of these proceedings, in which the Ministry, through the Directorate General for Transport and Highways, will invest EUR 1,166,570 in the first, and 625,565 euros in the second, is to renovate the track of roads and improve road safety in the affected sections.
The public information period, one of the stages prior to the occupation of the land affected by the execution of the works, will end on June 16.
During this time, both projects may be reviewed at the Department of Public Works and municipalities, in order to correct possible errors found in the list of goods and rights subject to expropriation, as is contained in the Official Gazette Region of Murcia on 16 May.
The actions will allow a significant improvement in the design of both tracks, as they carry out the rectification of curves that hinder the flow, both the MU-552 as the MU-521.
Thus, users of these sections will be improved daily traffic, which will mean increased security along the route, improved communication between municipalities and reduced travel time.
For the director general of Transport and Highways, Carmen Sandoval, "it is actions that are aimed at fulfilling one of the priorities of the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport, as is improving the quality of the movement of users of the road network in the Region of Murcia and increase driving safety of our citizens. "
Source: CARM