Service agents Nature Conservation (SEPRONA) of the Guardia Civil de Murcia, in the so-called "OPERATION POISON" developed in recent weeks have arrested RMM, 59 years old and resident of Calasparra, as the alleged an offense relating to the protection of wildlife by the use of poisoned baits in a private hunting ground located in the municipality of that town, in order to kill both wildlife and domestic animals.
The detainee has been accused also alleged crime of usurpation of civil status, having carried out acts of stealing the identity of the legal owner of the hunting field in question, which had died in 2005.
The investigation began several weeks ago after a neighbor denounced population before the Civil Guard Calasparra the death of two dogs of his property when passing through the vicinity of the hunting ground.
After touring the area on SEPRONA found strategically placed at the entrance of several existing Zorreras hunting field, various sausages open sagittally with a granular substance inside, which was a strong poison, according to analysis by the Toxicology Service Forensic and Veterinary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Murcia.
The sausage had the usual pattern of prepared baits to trigger intentional killing of animals carnivorous habits.
The steps taken by the Guardia Civil for the clarification of the facts also revealed that the owner of the game reserve where the poison was being placed, had been dead for over 3 years and was suspected of poisoning who has since paid in his name the liquidation of the annual tuition hunting.
In addition, the now stopped granting permits for sport hunting in the preserve to others, a power that corresponds to the legal owner of the limited.
According to research carried out up to 5 dogs had been poisoned in recent months while traveling in the vicinity of the game reserve, not knowing the number of specimens of wild animals that could have been affected by the poison, there is no complaint about them.
The first case of poison baiting in the area that the detainee is charged goes back 2 years.
During the proceedings has been instrumental in the collaboration of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Murcia, which Veterinary Services Forensic Toxicology and reported in just 24 hours a Civil Guard first performed analytical results for samples collected by the SEPRONA in hunting.
The poison contained in the sausage turned out to be a plant protection product commonly used insecticide and molluscicide repellent for snails in agricultural crops.
The illegal use of poisoned baits in order to eliminate natural predators hunting pieces in the natural environment severely affects wild and domestic fauna, and potentially poses a risk to public health.
The actions taken, in which members have taken part SEPRONA Murcia and Caravaca de la Cruz and the Civil Guard post in Calasparra, have been submitted, as well as the competent examining magistrate, the Office of Environment and Planning Superior Court of Justice in the Region of Murcia.
Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia