The negative impact that the local power line produced in our territory is not justified by the alleged local interest is reflected in the project, so that the two organizations for the protection of nature apply to the Autonomous Community to extend the study of possible alternatives to other options, not included in the initial documentation, beginning with the completion of the project not because of its high impact on the Natura 2000 network and many protected species.
If the project finally be done Ecologists in Action meant to be studied in the first place any other paths that in any case, avoid any direct involvement on the Natura 2000 network.
It should also examine the possibility of certain portions underground to avoid impacts during the laying operation
The impact caused by land movements in the area significantly affect the vegetation.
Affected vegetation units are within natural habitats of Community interest.
The first installment of subestépicas areas tended to affect grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea (UE6220), the last installment Siliceous rock with pioneer vegetation of the Sedo-Scieranthion and Sedo albi-Veronicion dilleni (EU 8230) and supports nearly all line affecting mainly scrub and semi-thermophilic thyme (EU 5334).
It introduces many elements of disturbance to the wildlife whose synergistic effects are not explicit.
Impact on birds and small mammals, significant and negative.
Increases the risk of collision and electrocution of raptors in the zone (golden eagle, eagle, toed, booted, kites, owls, etc) and affects mammals like the bobcat and otter populations highly threatened.
The mortality of birds and raptors on power lines by accident, either by electrocution or collision has increased alongside the development of electric transmission lines, especially in rural areas.
Research at the University of Barcelona have found that the electric power lines is 50%, the cause of death of Bonelli's Eagle.
Along with this, we must add the fact that the continuous passage of vehicles and workers, the noise generated in the construction of the supports 4 -5 by 23-26 will increase the stress of breeding pairs of Eagle Owl irreversibly and Bonelli's Eagle in the environment.
The construction of the support 35 also applies to a pair of Peregrine Falcon (vulnerable species).
The environmental impact assessment identifies a high risk of fire during the operation of the line, the section between the supports 29 and 34, by crossing with another power line.
The landscape impact will be significant, significant and difficult to remedy both the construction phase and in the exploitation of lying, especially as regards the fourth segment lying on the support 17 to 19, whose affection for the river Segura.
The same occurs in an area of high landscape value, the Sierra del Puerto, which would be affected by the fifth section of the track.
The EIA document itself recognizes the negative impact of the proposed power line will be greatly exacerbated by the implementation of this project, not only by the introduction of artificial elements or vertical lines but by the complete removal of vegetation in the streets and environment supports.
Environmental Impact Assessment gives a high landscape value or high five of the eight landscape units considered where the project creates a serious impact
Therefore, Caralluma and Ecologists in Action demanding that the Environmental Impact Assessment is negative, not allowing the installation of a lining for their serious impacts and environmental impacts on the Natura 2000 network and the area chosen for the installation of the line HV
Source: Ecologistas en Acción