The regional deputy UI + LV, José Antonio Pujante, today accused the regional president, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, to show a "tremendous insensitivity" to workers Canned Fernandez were dismissed following the takeover by Cofrusa.
Thriving has uttered these words after asking Valcárcel the Regional Assembly Plenary by the measures it intends to take over the situation of these employees, as was the Community which endorsed the above purchase about 30 million euros in return for continuing of jobs.
In addition, he has called several times to gather together at the end of the plenary with the workers, who were concentrated against the regional assembly, but the president of the Region of Murcia has not made any comments on this issue in his speech.
The left-wing MP has said that workers have preserved Fernandez led to the creation of an institutional statement in which he mediated IU + LV and has been signed by all parliamentary groups.
This declaration calls for the municipality of Calasparra, the delegation of the Government and the Executive murciano make a greater effort to fulfill the commitments established for the granting of the guarantee and the maintenance and creation of employment.
Source: IURM