Sports fans have lived on two wheels Calasparra today a historic day.
Not every day they are together some of the best international cycling, who have gathered at the Tour of Murcia 2010.
Emilio Pérez Piñero Square in Calasparra, welcomed the neutralized start of the second stage, Calasparra-Caravaca.
The official start was given at the height of Rice Cooperative.
From that point the group took a high speed: 80km time and re-entered the town from access by Curve Restaurant.
Around the event, the large deployment of resources attracted many residents who did not want to miss the show, and dozens of people were concentrated from 11.00 am to see close to the international cycling stars, and experience the festive atmosphere spin.
Than expected, Lance Armstrong, who took to pray for the firm, which eventually made more than fair.
Local authorities, represented by the mayor, Councilman Councilwoman sports and tourism, along with representatives from Sanctuary Foundation, showed the hospitality that characterizes us giving the runners a sack of rice and a pin of the Virgen de la Esperanza .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra