Calasparra City Council held last Saturday Band Contest V CC and TT Villa in Calasparra.
The different bands traveled across the Gran Via, one after another, until the Film Auditorium Rosales.
There were over a thousand people gathered waiting for the action.
Bands that passed through the stage left, the band of the CC and TT Calasparra Samaritan; Clarines Squadron of the Brotherhood of Blood of Christ in Calasparra, the CC and TT Band "Cruces del Sol" in Calasparra, the CC and TT Band San Juan Evangelista and Calasparra Dolorosa, the CC and TT Band Stmo.
Christ's Ecce Homo Abarán, the CC and TT Band of Calasparra Ecce Homo, the Bugle and Drum Band Monte Calvario de Martos (Jaén), and finally acted Band CC and TT Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno.
After each performance, Joaquina Sola and Gaspar Valverde, town councilors, delivered simultaneously with a commemorative plaque for each participating band.
Jesus Navarro, mayor of Calasparra, received from the Banda Monte Calvario a book and a commemorative DVD as a souvenir.
Finally, Navarro dismissed the event and welcomed the presence of all attendees.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra