"The Grey Stones" is the first installment of the Space Knights Saga, a novel that calasparreño Miguel García Rubio has written from a story that began in Radio City Calasparra.
"With a well-aimed blow."
This is the phrase that began the story, and that Michael has given free rein to your imagination.
The result is a book that presented on Wednesday, before a large group of family, friends and stakeholders, where the author was very enthusiastic.
During the presentation, Michael was accompanied by the Councillor for Culture, Joaquina Sola, and Pepe Vazquez and Joan Llort, both makers of the original sentence, and prologues to the first work of Michael.
Also during the ceremony, the councilor recalled the activities carried out during this week, commemorating the Day of the Book and Reading, which officially is Friday 23 April.
All cultural events are available on the cultural button www.calasparra.org
Thursday April 22 and continuing with the schedule of spring, the students of Primary and Secondary Education centers will move Calasparra at 20'00h to the house of culture to interpret different readings Miguel Hernández.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Calasparra